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@Clues 2024

Dose Sizes

In the realm of psychedelic use, dosages can vary greatly, each serving different purposes and producing different experiences. Here's a brief overview of the different dose sizes commonly discussed in psychedelic literature: microdose, standard dose (often referred to as a macro dose), and heroic dose. For the purpose of this course, the preparation and integration guidance I'm offering is specific to the heroic dose.


A microdose is a sub-perceptual amount of a psychedelic substance, meaning it's small enough not to cause significant alterations in perception, mood, or cognition. The typical intention behind microdosing is for mood stabilization, enhance creativity, increase focus, or alleviate symptoms of depression or anxiety, without experiencing the intense effects associated with higher doses. Although a microdose is often sub-perceptual, it can still sometimes intensify both positive and negative emotions. Microdoses vary depending on the substance but are generally around 1/10th to 1/20th of a standard recreational dose. For instance, a microdose of psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms) might range from 0.1 to 0.3 grams of dried mushrooms, whereas a microdose of LSD could be about 5 to 20 micrograms.

For anecdotal context, the following from Chelsea Handler is a common example of comments made by people who have experimented with microdosing.

“I take mushrooms almost every day. I mean, microdosing is a game-changer!… Psilocybin is good for everybody,” Handler continued. “It puts you in a good mood, keeps you upbeat, and makes you appreciate nature. So ya, legalizing mushrooms? For sure.”

Some recent scientific research reinforces Handler's perspective. In a study titled "Effects of psilocybin microdosing on awe and aesthetic experiences", they found that psilocybin microdosing increases feelings of awe and art perception, with expectancy-effects potentially driving these subjective benefits. Another systematic study of microdosing psychedelics found that microdosing psychedelics can increase psychological functioning and reduce depression and stress, but more dose-controlled research is needed to confirm these claims (as is often the case with most microdosing studies because the sample size in the study is quite small).

Standard/Macro Dose

A standard or macro dose is what people typically think of when they consider a psychedelic experience. This dosage is sufficient to produce a full psychedelic experience, characterized by significant alterations in perception, cognition, and emotional states. The effects can include visual hallucinations, deep introspective insights, altered sense of time, and sometimes mystical or spiritual experiences. The exact quantity constituting a standard dose varies by substance; for example, a standard dose of LSD might range from 100 to 200 micrograms, while for psilocybin, it might be around 1 to 3.5 grams of dried mushrooms.

Heroic Dose

Termed by Terence McKenna, a "heroic dose" refers to a significantly higher than average amount of a psychedelic substance, intended to induce an intense and potentially transformative experience. For psilocybin, a heroic dose might be upwards of 5 grams of dried mushrooms, while for LSD, this could mean taking several hundred micrograms. Heroic doses are often associated with more profound, sometimes life-altering experiences that can be both illuminating and challenging. These experiences might include ego dissolution (the sudden loss of a sense of identity), deep philosophical or existential insights, and encounters with seemingly otherworldly dimensions or entities. Due to the intensity and unpredictability of these experiences, heroic doses should be approached with caution and ideally, in a safe, controlled environment, possibly with a guide or experienced sitter.

As Dr. Matthew Johnson says about high dose psychedelics,

"These are all drugs that can have a profound effect on one's sense of reality, including one's sense of self. I think the only bet you can make, if you have the dose high enough, is that something really interesting is going to happen. You might find yourself in your mind's eye soaring in the heavens... the secrets of the universe seemingly revealed to you... on the other hand, fives seconds later, it might collapse into what folks call a 'bad trip' where one could feel that they're gonna die... it's sort of this massive shake up in one's experience of reality."

For a great primer on heroic doses from Dr. Johnson himself, carve out 11 minutes to listen to him during this interview as part of his research at Johns Hopkins University.

Mushroom Dose Chart

For a simple reference, the below table summarizes the common dose sizes and effects you may anticipate.

It's important to note that the effects of psychedelics can be highly variable and influenced by numerous factors, including individual physiology, mindset (set), and physical setting. Additionally, the legality and safety of psychedelic use should always be considered. Professional guidance or therapy, where legal, is advisable for those exploring these substances for personal growth or therapeutic purposes, especially for heroic doses with the intention to go deep into one's own psychology. Lastly, it's a good rule of thumb to begin with lower doses and work your way up to larger doses, unless under the specific guidance of a trained professional who is advising you to begin on a larger dose size.

A Word on Mushroom Types

You should also know that there are many different types of psychedelic mushrooms. Each type may produce different effects and will therefor have an impact on the type of experience you have. Below is a list of some of the most popular types that you may hear about as you do your own research:

  • Golden Teacher: Known for its distinctive golden caps with speckles, Golden Teacher is favored for its mild potency and is often recommended for beginners. It's celebrated for offering enlightening insights, enhanced introspection, and a gentle introduction to the psychedelic experience.
  • Penis Envy: This variety is notorious for its phallic shape and is considered one of the most potent strains of Psilocybe cubensis. It's sought after for its intense visual hallucinations and profound psychological depth, making it better suited for experienced users.
  • B+: The B+ strain is renowned for its versatility and adaptability to various growing conditions, making it a favorite among cultivators. It offers a balanced experience with euphoric physical and mental effects, suitable for both beginners and veterans alike.
  • Liberty Caps: Noted for their distinctive pointed caps, Liberty Caps are one of the most naturally potent psychedelic mushrooms. They grow wild in many parts of the world and are highly valued for their strong, earthy trips that can provoke profound philosophical and existential insights.
  • Amazonian: A strain that originates from the Amazon rainforest, it's known for producing large, fleshy mushrooms that offer powerful and visually stimulating trips. Amazonian is popular among those looking for intense experiences and deep exploration.
  • Mexican: Often associated with traditional spiritual and healing ceremonies, Mexican mushrooms are known for their moderate potency and are used by many beginners. They're celebrated for providing a warm, heart-opening experience, and spiritual insights.
  • Albino A+: A variant of the A+ strain, this mushroom is characterized by its lack of pigment, giving it a ghostly white appearance. It's sought after for its unique visual and cerebral effects, offering a potent experience that's both introspective and euphoric.

it's good for folks to inquire about what mushroom strands they are getting in regards to dosages, since certain strands like Penis Envy may be as much as 2x more potent than a strand like Golden Teacher. Beyond intensity and type of mushroom, the intention you set and the setting you take the mushrooms in will also have a profound effect on the type of experience you have (more about this in later lessons).
