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@Clues 2024

Integration of Insights

“When you grow rapidly and experience such deep insights that you can no longer look at yourself or the world in the same way, be kind, allow yourself the time and space to settle into the new you (integrate)” - Yung Pueblo

This is the phase in the process that first-timers often undervalue and underutilized. They tend to jump straight back into their normal lives expecting the journey to have done the work for them. While the journey is the "easy part," the sober period of integration afterward the psychedelic session is where people need to engage in heavy lifting to keep the lessons of the journey alive and integrated into their life post-session.

After the Session

This period is an inseparable, non-negotiable part of the “work” of the whole experience. That means the following advice for self-care and space are extremely important, otherwise you could back-pedal from the session. 

  • Take melatonin the night of the session. Tracy also likes Calm if you’re feeling too energetic the night of.  Expect that sleep may be more difficult than usual, which is also why Tracy suggests you take the next day off from work or other responsibilities. If possible, carve out two or three days of space after the session to slowly unwind from the experience and reintegrate back into your daily routine. The insights from the session will continue to unfold in the days following the session itself, which is why it's ideal if you carve out at least a few days afterward for contemplation and calm recovery.
  • Take 5-HTP for the next 3-5 nights. This supplement will help you restore the serotonin that you depleted during the session.
  • Eat nourishing foods such as organic produce, juices, nuts and seeds, legumes and whole grains. Citrus fruits/juices and high antioxidant foods such as berries are recommended.
  • Self-care: You’ve just been exposed to new or sensitive parts of yourself that need healing, similar to a surgery. You have to be gentle with yourself afterwards. Indulge in activities that feel supportive to you. Take a bath, go on a light hike, journal, draw or any light activity that makes you feel replenished and joyful.
  • Refrain from alcoholic drinks, mind-altering substances, any type of media, and large social gatherings for the next 2 days to 1 week. These can backpedal the work of a session and potentially trigger sensitive insights that came up during the session.
  • Sit with the experience and allow it to develop further before turning it into a story. Consider that every time you retell the session, you solidify it into a rehearsed story instead of a felt experience. I like to keep the story to myself for the next day or so before I share.
  • If you wish to share your experience with others, choose people whom you trust fully not to judge you. Go slowly, ask them directly what you need (ex. “I’m going to share something delicate, please listen. I might take some breaks as I share because it’s deep material.”)
  • You may experience a period of contraction after the expansion of the session. This is totally normal after the “high” of a session. This is why we integrate the key lessons into your daily normal life, to hold onto the lessons. However, if you feel you're sinking into a depression or it’s going on longer than feels right, talk to your psychedelic guide about it.

Note for People in Your Life

A psychedelic session is impossible to adequately describe yet people you are close to (and live with) may have lots of questions for you. However, it's essential you give yourself the space and time to digest the session yourself and not feel obligated to explain it to others. Tracy recommends sharing the following note directly with people you live with (as if it were coming from your psychedelic guide) to set expectations and give yourself the necessary space.

"Psychedelic work is a lot like surgery. The person can undergo deep emotional work, and afterwards they need to rest their bodies, minds, and spirits. They will be especially sensitive for the next 2 days after the session, where they may act differently than normal. Please respect their needs and privacy during this time.

Do not have emotionally-charged conversations with them, especially that night and the next day. If it can wait, please wait. Any triggering conflict can set them back from the work they came here to do. 

They may not want to share what happened immediately or ever. Please don’t take this as something personal. This is deeply private work, and sharing the story often disassociates people from the emotions and experience. 

This is a good time to be extra supportive. If they ask for space, please respect it. If they want more nurturing, please offer it to the best of your ability. Having food ready for them that night would be especially helpful, since they will need food to ground themselves and sleep. Soups, warm food, potatoes, rice – heavy, grounding foods are especially nice for most people.

Thank you for being part of their integration community, they will appreciate your support through this transformative time."
