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@Clues 2024
"Fungi are the interface organisms between life and death."
Paul Stamets

Who is Paul Stamets?

Paul Stamets is a renowned mycologist, an advocate for the medicinal and environmental benefits of fungi, and a significant figure in the field of psychedelics, particularly concerning psilocybin mushrooms. His journey and contributions span across mycology, environmental solutions, and psychedelic research.

Stamets' fascination with fungi began in his youth, but it was during his time at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, where his passion and focus on mycology truly flourished. He studied under the guidance of several influential professors, diving deep into the world of fungi. His early experiences with psychedelics, particularly psilocybin mushrooms, played a crucial role in shaping his interest in the field. These experiences not only deepened his connection with nature but also instigated a lifelong journey exploring the intricate relationships between fungi, humans, and the environment.

His' personal experiences with psychedelics are a foundational aspect of his career and research. He has openly shared a transformative experience he had with psilocybin mushrooms in his early years, which helped him overcome a debilitating stutter. This profound personal change was a catalyst for his enduring interest in the potential therapeutic applications of psychedelics. His journey underscores a narrative familiar in psychedelic circles: personal healing leading to professional passion.

Stamets' work in mycology extends far beyond psychedelics. He is known for his pioneering research into the use of fungi for various environmental and medicinal applications. His areas of research include the use of mushrooms for bioremediation (using fungi to decontaminate the environment), pest control, and sustainable forestry. He has patented several technologies related to medicinal mushrooms, which demonstrate their potential in supporting human health, particularly in enhancing the immune system and potentially fighting against certain diseases.

In the realm of psychedelics, Paul Stamets is a strong advocate for the therapeutic use of psilocybin mushrooms. He has been a vocal proponent of their potential in treating a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. One of his significant contributions is his research and theories on how psilocybin can promote neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons in the brain) and potentially improve neurological health. This area of study is groundbreaking, suggesting that psilocybin could be a key to unlocking new treatments for various neurodegenerative diseases.

He is also known for his efforts in education and public outreach. Stamets is a prolific speaker, author, and educator, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for fungi. Through his talks, books like "Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World," and appearances in documentaries and popular media, he has brought the conversation about fungi, including psychedelic mushrooms, into the mainstream, educating the public about their importance in ecology, medicine, and potentially mental health.

What are his main ideas and contributions

Paul Stamets is a visionary in the field of mycology, with numerous contributions that have significantly advanced our understanding and application of fungi. Here are some of his main ideas and contributions:


Stamets is a pioneer in the field of mycoremediation, the process of using fungi to decontaminate and rejuvenate the environment. He has extensively researched how certain mushroom species can absorb and break down pollutants, such as petroleum waste, pesticides, and industrial toxins, in the soil and water. His work has demonstrated that fungi can be powerful allies in cleaning up environmental spills and toxic sites, offering a natural and effective solution to some of the most challenging environmental problems.


Mycofiltration is another groundbreaking concept developed by Stamets, involving the use of fungal mycelium to filter and remove pathogens and chemicals from water. This approach uses the natural filtration capabilities of mushroom mycelium to capture and degrade contaminants, providing a sustainable method for water purification. Stamets' research in this area shows great potential for improving water quality in polluted ecosystems and for use in sustainable wastewater treatment processes.

Fungi for Pest Control (Mycopesticides)

Stamets has explored the use of fungi as natural pesticides, known as mycopesticides. This involves using certain fungi that are pathogenic to insects but harmless to humans, animals, and the environment. These mycopesticides offer an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides, targeting specific pests without the collateral damage to beneficial insects or the surrounding ecosystem. This approach aligns with sustainable agriculture practices and integrated pest management strategies.

Medicinal Mushrooms and Health

A significant part of Stamets' work revolves around the medicinal properties of mushrooms. He has researched and promoted the use of various mushrooms, like Reishi, Turkey Tail, and Lion's Mane, for their health benefits. His work highlights how these fungi can boost the immune system, improve cognitive function, and potentially fight against cancer and other diseases. Stamets' contributions in this area have increased interest in mushrooms' therapeutic potential in integrative medicine.

Psilocybin Mushrooms and Neurogenesis

Stamets has been a vocal advocate for the therapeutic use of psilocybin mushrooms. He has proposed theories and conducted research on how psilocybin may promote neurogenesis and improve neurological health. His interest in this area is partly personal, stemming from his own experiences with psilocybin mushrooms, which he credits with helping to overcome his stutter. Stamets' advocacy and research efforts have contributed to the growing interest in the potential use of psilocybin for treating various mental health disorders.

The Stamets Stack

Stamets proposed a nootropic stack, known as the "Stamets Stack," combining psilocybin mushrooms, Lion's Mane mushroom, and niacin (Vitamin B3). This combination is theorized to enhance neurogenesis and cognitive function. The idea is that psilocybin induces neuroplasticity, Lion's Mane supports nerve growth, and niacin helps in the delivery of these compounds throughout the body. While still a theory requiring more scientific validation, this proposal has sparked interest in the potential synergistic effects of these natural compounds.

How might I apply his ideas to myself

Medicinal Mushrooms and Health

Integrating medicinal mushrooms into your diet or health regimen could potentially offer benefits. Species like Lion's Mane are known for their cognitive and nerve-supportive properties, which might aid in mental clarity and emotional stability. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or medication.

Psilocybin Mushrooms and Neurogenesis

If you're exploring avenues for mental health treatment, consider the potential therapeutic effects of psilocybin mushrooms, especially in a controlled, therapeutic setting. There's growing evidence that psilocybin can aid in treating conditions like depression and anxiety. However, this should be pursued only under legal circumstances and professional guidance.

The Stamets Stack

The concept of the Stamets Stack (psilocybin, Lion's Mane, and niacin) might intrigue you for cognitive and emotional enhancement. While the scientific evidence is still evolving, the idea of using a combination of natural substances to support mental health is worth exploring. As always, such exploration should be done legally and in consultation with health professionals.

Writing, Interviews, Research, and Lectures

  • "Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World": This book is perhaps Stamets' most well-known work. It presents a comprehensive overview of the mycelium's potential to benefit the environment and human health. Covering topics like mycoremediation and mycofiltration, Stamets discusses how fungi can be used to repair ecological damage and support sustainable ecosystems. The book is both a scientific guide and a call to action, encouraging readers to recognize the crucial role fungi play in the world's health.
  • "Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide": As an expert in psilocybin mushrooms, Stamets provides a detailed guide to identifying various species of these mushrooms around the world. The book is rich with photographs and descriptions, making it an invaluable resource for mycologists, amateur mushroom enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the study or use of psilocybin mushrooms.
  • "Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms": This book is a comprehensive guide to cultivating edible and medicinal mushrooms. It offers detailed instructions and techniques for growing mushrooms, along with information on their nutritional and medicinal properties. This book is popular among both commercial growers and hobbyists and is considered a definitive resource in the field.
  • "The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home": One of Stamets' earlier works, this book serves as a practical guide for anyone interested in growing mushrooms at home. It covers various aspects of mushroom cultivation, from the basics to more advanced techniques, and is well-regarded for its clear, accessible style and practical advice.

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