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@Clues 2024
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
Sigmund Freud

Who is he?

Sigmund Freud was born in Freiburg, Moravia in 1856 but is commonly associated with Vienna, where he lived for most of his life until he was forced to flee to London in 1938 due to the German occupation. Freud's interest in psychology started after he became disillusioned with his prospects as a Jewish medical doctor. He became fascinated with hysteria, a mental illness that caused patients to suffer from various physical symptoms.

After observing the use of hypnosis to treat hysteria, Freud realized that the symptoms were a product of the mind and not the body. He learned the method of hypnosis and began treating patients, but with little success until he met a specific patient by the name of Anna O. She discovered that talking about her life improved her hysterical symptoms, which she named "the talking cure." This experience led Freud to develop the idea that patients were not conscious of all their desires and fears and that many of their own thoughts were hidden from them in their unconscious mind.

Over the next few years, Freud's revolutionary and controversial ideas expanded to all human beings, not just mentally ill patients. He believed that the unconscious mind would reveal itself through slips of the tongue, jokes, and dreams. While Freud's theories have fallen out of favor in the scientific community, concepts such as the unconscious, the interpretation of dreams, and the idea of repressed feelings causing harm have entered our culture and literature.

Although some versions of talk therapy still exist, Freudian methods are used to treat only about 1% of people in therapy. Despite this, his concepts, such as the Oedipus complex, the ego, the phallic symbol, and the Freudian slip, are still widely recognized. Freud had many pupils, including Alfred Adler and Carl Jung, who eventually broke with him. Whether you love or hate Freud, his ideas have had a significant impact on our understanding of the human psyche.

What I find fascinating about Freud is that you could say he was a type of "Western Buddhist" in the sense that he explored the nature of the human mind through self-analysis similar to how Buddhists learn to understand the how the mind works.

What were his core ideas or concepts?

If you're interested in psychology, you might have heard of Sigmund Freud. His ideas and methods have had a big impact on how people think about the mind and behavior in Western society, but they are also controversial. Here are some of Freud's key concepts that you may find interesting:

  • The structure of the mind: According to Freud, the mind is made up of three parts: the conscious mind, the preconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind is what you are aware of and can control, while the preconscious mind holds thoughts and memories that you are not currently aware of but can easily bring to consciousness. The unconscious mind contains thoughts, memories, and desires that you are not aware of and that can drive your behavior, and Freud believed that it was the source of many psychological problems.
  • The dynamic unconscious: Freud also believed that the unconscious mind is always at work, influencing your thoughts and behavior. He thought the unconscious mind was made up of two layers: the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The personal unconscious holds repressed memories and experiences that can influence your behavior and personality, while the collective unconscious is made up of universal symbols and themes that are present in all cultures.
  • Defense mechanisms: To protect you from anxiety and stress caused by unconscious conflicts, Freud believed that your ego, or the part of your mind that mediates between your conscious and unconscious minds, uses defense mechanisms. Examples of defense mechanisms include repression, denial, and displacement.
  • The Oedipus complex: Freud believed that during the phallic stage of psychosexual development, children experience a desire for their opposite-sex parent and jealousy and rivalry with their same-sex parent, which he called the Oedipus complex. He believed that resolving the Oedipus complex was important for psychological development and that failing to do so could cause problems in adulthood.
  • Psychosexual development: According to Freud, personality is formed through a series of stages of psychosexual development that occur during the first five years of life. These stages include the oral stage, the anal stage, the phallic stage (which includes the Oedipus complex), the latent stage, and the genital stage.

How are his ideas applied to patients?

If you're seeing a psychologist or therapist, they might use some of Sigmund Freud's ideas to help you with your mental health. Here are a few ways they might do that:

  • Free association: This means you can talk about whatever comes to mind, without filtering your thoughts or feelings. The therapist will listen carefully and look for patterns or themes that could reveal unconscious conflicts or desires.
  • Dream interpretation: Freud thought that dreams could reveal things about your unconscious mind. So if you talk about your dreams with your therapist, they might help you interpret the symbols and themes to understand what's going on in your mind.
  • Analysis of slips of the tongue: Freud believed that when people make mistakes in speech, it can reveal things about their unconscious thoughts and feelings. Your therapist might ask you about any mistakes you've noticed and try to explore what they might mean.
  • Transference: This is when you unconsciously transfer your feelings and attitudes from one person (like a parent) to your therapist. Your therapist might explore this with you to understand what's going on in your mind.
  • Resistance: Sometimes, you might unconsciously resist revealing certain thoughts or feelings. Your therapist can help you identify and work through this resistance to better understand and resolve any unconscious conflicts you might have.

What might he have gotten wrong?

If you're interested in psychology, you might have heard of Sigmund Freud. His ideas about the unconscious mind, sexuality, and psychosexual development have been very influential, but they've also been controversial. In fact, many of his ideas haven't been supported by scientific evidence, and some people find them offensive.Here are a few examples of ways that Freud's theories have been proven wrong:

  • Lack of evidence: Many of Freud's ideas, like the Oedipus complex and psychosexual stages, don't have much evidence to support them. Studies haven't found support for these theories, and most scientists don't believe in them.
  • Alternative theories: Some researchers have proposed other ideas to explain personality development and relationships that Freud thought were explained by his theories. For example, attachment theory and social learning theory provide different explanations for how people develop.
  • Cultural and individual differences: Freud based his ideas on observations of a few wealthy Europeans. That means his theories might not be relevant to people from different backgrounds or with different experiences. Research has shown that people from different cultures can develop differently, which suggests that Freud's theories may not apply to everyone.

Writing, Interviews, Research, and Lectures

Sigmund Freud was a prolific writer who published many books and articles on a wide range of topics, including psychology, sexuality, child development, religion, and culture. Here is a list of some of his most famous writings:

  1. "The Interpretation of Dreams" (1899)
  2. "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" (1901)
  3. "Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex" (1905)
  4. "Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious" (1905)
  5. "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria" (1905) (also known as the "Dora" case study)
  6. "Totem and Taboo" (1913)
  7. "On Narcissism: An Introduction" (1914)
  8. "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" (1920)
  9. "The Ego and the Id" (1923)
  10. "The Future of an Illusion" (1927)
  11. "Civilization and Its Discontents" (1930)
  12. "New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis" (1933)

Other figures you may be interested in

Here’s a list of other people who played a major role in creating the foundations for psychoanalysis: 

  • Carl Jung: Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who worked closely with Freud early on. But eventually, he developed his own theories that were different from Freud's. Jung's most famous idea was the collective unconscious, which suggests that all humans share a universal store of knowledge and experiences.
  • Alfred Adler: Adler was an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist who was a member of Freud's inner circle. But he eventually went his own way and developed his own theories, which emphasized the role of social and cultural factors in shaping personality and behavior. Adler's most important idea was individual psychology, which focuses on the role of goals and motivation in human behavior.
  • Erik Erikson: Erikson was a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst who was influenced by Freud but developed his own theory of psychosocial development. Erikson's theory focuses on how our sense of identity is shaped by our interactions with others and our environment over time.
  • Karen Horney: Horney was a German-American psychoanalyst who was influenced by Freud but developed her own theories that emphasized the role of social and cultural factors in shaping personality and behavior. Her most important idea was the theory of neurosis, which looks at how people cope with feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
  • Erich Fromm: Fromm was a German-American psychoanalyst and social philosopher who was influenced by Freud but developed his own ideas about the role of social and cultural factors in shaping personality and behavior. His most important idea was humanistic psychology, which emphasizes our capacity for choice and the importance of personal freedom and self-actualization.