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@Clues 2024

Risks with psychedelics

With growing interest in the therapeutic possibilities of psychedelics, it's crucial to navigate their use with awareness and caution. Despite the increasing curiosity, most psychedelics, except for ketamine (which is legal for medical use as an anesthetic), are still illegal in the United States. In line with this, I cannot provide direct referrals on using these substances. However, recognizing the importance of risk reduction, lets start by addressing common questions about psychedelics, focusing on safety aspects. The goal is to inform, not endorse or give specific prescriptions on the use of these substances.

The Basics of Risk Reduction

The experience with psychedelics is highly variable, influenced by factors such as user expectations, dosage, purity, and environment. Pure psychedelics rarely cause fatal overdoses, but risks exist with adulterated substances, which can lead to unexpected and intense experiences, sometimes even fatal. High doses, even of pure substances, increase the likelihood of distressing or traumatic experiences. While classic psychedelics are generally low in organ toxicity, the altered state of mind they induce can lead to behavior that might be harmful to the user or others.

(1) Have an Intention

Approach your psychedelic journey with clear intentions, assessing both your physical and mental health risks. It's important to note that psychedelics aren't suitable for everyone. Particularly, those on certain medications or with a history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in themselves or their family should avoid these substances. Such precautions are crucial for a safe and insightful experience.

(2) Test the Drugs

Be aware of the substance and its quantity. Starting with small doses is wise, particularly without expert advice. Gradually increase only as you familiarize yourself with its effects. Website such as Roll Kit exist to help people test their drugs before they use them (MDMA in this case).

(3) Have a Safe Setting

For therapeutic dosages, especially as a first-time patient, start indoors at home or in a controlled environment designed specifically for guided psychedelic experiences. As you gain experience with psychedelics, it is common to experiment with them in a natural environment, such as a cabin in the woods, and surrounded only by trained professionals or other sober people you can trust. This is especially true for lower doses.

(4) Don't do it Alone

For significant psychedelic doses, it's crucial to have a sober sitter. Prior to the experience, agree on comfortable physical boundaries and trust their guidance, especially regarding safety. Psychedelics intensify emotions, so having someone present to maintain safety and respect boundaries is vital.

(5) Integration

Plan for processing and integrating your psychedelic experience post-session. If dealing with conditions like major depression or PTSD, consult a professional before considering psychedelic use and continue to work with them after use.
